English & Philosophy Major Thrives at NYC Publishing Internship

Mary Louise Platter ’18 spent the summer interning for PureWow in NYC. PureWow is a women’s lifestyle digital publication whose motto is to “Elevate the Everyday.” Louise spent her days researching areas including books, fashion, beauty, travel, and food. She said the internship gave her the opportunity to experience a real work environment while also exercising her journalistic skills.
“Converse’s curriculum prepared me for researching complex stories and working under strict deadlines.”
Louise said via email, “My internship mainly consisted of research for stories. Converse really helped to prepare me for the research aspect of the internship. I’m an English and Philosophy major with a History minor, so a lot of my work is based in researching and writing, which was the crux of this internship. Converse’s curriculum prepared me for researching complex stories and working under strict deadlines. Without Converse, I would not have been able to succeed in this internship.”