Tori McLean Good
Assistant Dean of Career Development
At Converse, students have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience that supports them in defining career goals. Internships in the local community help students understand their strengths and how they relate to career choices. Investigating options and exploring appropriate career choices maximizes students’ strengths while contributing to their successful transition from college.
The Center for Career Development is here to help students with all aspects of this process including self-assessment, career exploration, Converse Guarantee requirements, career experience and job search or graduate school planning.
Handshake is Converse’s go-to resource for jobs, internships, events, and more! This mobile career management platform intuitively connects you to relevant opportunities based on your profile, interests and search activity. Through Handshake, you can apply for positions, explore companies, and sign up for career fairs and workshops all in one place.
Office: Montgomery 204
Phone: 864.596.9614
Assistant Dean of Career Development
Director of Internships and Career Services
Support Specialist for Career Development and the Nisbet Honors Program
Career Development Coordinator
Employers can advertise an internship or job opportunity on Handshake, our online career platform.
Office: Montgomery 204
Phone: 864.596.9614