Original Comedy-Drama to Debut at Converse
“October Daisies,” an original main stage production about tragedy doubling as the catalyst for five women finding answers to life’s questions, will be presented in Converse College’s Hazel B. Abbott Theatre February 5-8.
Curtain times are 8 pm except for the February 8 performance which will be 3 pm.
Written by Spartanburg resident and Converse alumna Teresa S. Hough, “October Daisies” is a comedy-drama about the impact of the death of Abigail Elizabeth Monroe Taylor. “Abigail dies of breast cancer but not under conventional terms. She chooses a different path after finding out about her diagnosis. She understands her path and chooses to bring together five of her closest friends to her funeral in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee,” explained Hough who is a professor at USC Upstate and is President of The Spartanburg Little Theatre. “These five women find the answers to their own particular journeys in their lives throughout the play.”
Hough said “The play centers not only upon breast health and breast care, but the complexities that all women endure throughout life. They find each other through a dear friend’s death which is exactly what Abby had planned. There is a lot of laughter which is what we all need when facing the loss of a friend.”
For ticket information, call (864) 596-9725. Breast cancer survivors are admitted free. All proceeds from the production will benefit the Bearden Josey Center for Breast Health and the Mary Nicholson Scholarship Fund at Converse.