Dr. Hall Presents at Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference
Dr. Mirko M. Hall presented his paper, “Why Preserve the Institutional Memory of Small Undergraduate German Programs?,” at the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference at the University of Tennessee. In addition to exploring the topic at hand, Dr. Hall surveyed the career of Bessie Howard Summerell, the college’s Germanist from 1916 to 1945. She was one of the nation’s very few female full professors to be hired and employed during the anti-German hysteria of WWI.
Dr. Hall also served as the respondent to the panel on “Lyrical Power: Song, Identity, and Cultural Studies” at the annual conference of the National Communication Association in Salt Lake City. A fifth—and positive—review of his 2016 co-edited volume, “Beyond No Future: Cultures of German Punk,” was published in Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, the foremost scholarly journal for music librarianship.