2021 ‘Young Women in Art’ Competition Open for Entries

Converse College’s Department of Art and Design is now accepting entries for the 2021 Young Women in Art Juried Virtual Exhibition. South Carolina young women in grades 9 through 12 are invited to submit entries to the exhibition. This will be the last year to participate in Young Women in Art, as the college transitions to Converse University. The Converse Department of Art and Design will be reworking this opportunity for young artists and will offer a new, juried virtual exhibition in 2022.
The Young Women in Art Juried Exhibition provides a venue to recognize exemplary artworks of young women in high school, to help students begin to prepare for a major in art while still in grades 9-12, and to introduce them to Converse’s Department of Art and Design and the variety of majors offered to women.
Learn more and submit your work for the Young Women in Art Juried Exhibition here.
Submissions close on February 14, 2021. Artwork Featured, “Best in Show”: Gillian Pigg, Grade 9, Prismacolor and Charcoal, “Coiled”, Teacher Kirsten Kelly
Learn more about Art and Design at Converse.