Honor Board and Civitas Council

Honor Board
The Honor Board is one arm of the judicial system for student self-governance. Comprised of students elected by their peers, it protects and preserves the student culture of mutual trust and responsibility. Converse is committed to the concept that integrity is liberating and that in order “to see clearly, to decide wisely, to act justly,” knowledge and integrity must walk hand in hand. To that end, the board also works to educate the campus about the honor tradition and coordinates the signing of the honor pledge by all new students.
Civitas Council
Civitas Council is the second arm of the judicial system for student self-governance, upholding the principles of social conduct known as Community Values. Civitas helps students maintain a healthy attitude towards attending college, living in a community, and the social aspect of college life. The safety, health and well-being of each student is the priority of the Council, and it seeks to protect the rights and privileges of all students. To this end, Civitas oversees the Convocation Series of events designed to help students develop greater appreciation of life experiences beyond their area of study.
Comprised of students elected by their peers, the council also handles Community Values violations. Civitas is advised by a member of the Student Development staff who is charged with providing guidance and support to ensure that the process is fair and follows the due process. Each student of Converse, by virtue of enrolling, is bound by, commits to abide by and strives to actively support the Student Code of Conduct for Converse, as the strength of our sense community is based on student mutual respect for and commitment to the ideals of the system.
Life @ Converse
Your journey outside the classroom.