Trustees of Converse and Wofford Colleges Announce Study to Maximize Collaboration

The Boards of Trustees of Converse College and Wofford College have initiated a study to explore collaborative opportunities to enhance the distinctive strengths and common missions of each institution.
The study will be a part of the strategic planning processes under way at both institutions, and follows informal discussions by key leaders and supporters of the two colleges. A joint steering committee, composed of trustees, faculty and staff from Wofford and Converse, will conduct the study and share its recommendations with the Boards.
“With a whirlwind of exciting initiatives coming from both colleges, this is an ideal time for us to consider new synergies and creative opportunities that could be best developed as partners,” said Converse College President Betsy Fleming.
“The essential point is that we are initiating a discussion among all our constituencies about advancing a long-standing collaborative relationship,” said Wofford College President Benjamin B. Dunlap. “The crucial question is whether we might combine resources to create what neither could accomplish alone, but there are no foregone conclusions.”
The trustees agreed the study should consider a broad range of possibilities that advance both institutions, their students and faculty, and the greater Spartanburg community.