Message from President Hopkins Following Hurricane Helene
To our Converse family and neighbors far and wide,
As I survey the campus grounds and streets surrounding our local community, I find it hard to comprehend the level of destruction that Hurricane Helene has caused. I want to extend my deepest sympathies to those affected. Our thoughts are with all who are experiencing the challenges that come with such an event.
As a university, we are committed to supporting our community during this difficult time. We are actively working to care for the students who remain on campus and to provide assistance to those in need.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our Emergency Response Team and campus leaders, who meet regularly to assess the situation on campus. In particular, I want to highlight the efforts of our Facilities, Residence Life, and Campus Safety teams, and AVI, our food service provider, for their dedication to our students and their tireless work.
Daily updates and all available outreach efforts will be posted on our website at and via our emergency AlertMedia system. Until power and phones are restored, please continue to use the Campus Safety cell phones at 864.809.6064 or 864.384.3326 for campus emergencies.
Through these difficult times, I continue to be humbled by our community’s resilience and compassion.
Together, we will navigate this crisis and emerge stronger.
Boone J. Hopkins, Ph.D