Swine Flu Advisory
- Antiviral drugs seem to work for swine flu when taken shortly after symptoms begin. In South Carolina, DHEC has a small stockpile of these drugs and will be getting an extra shipment from the federal government within the next few days.
- To fight the spread of the flu virus:
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often.
- Cover your cough with your sleeve, not your hand.
- Stay home if you’re sick.
- Stay away from people who are sick.
- Eat a healthy diet and get plenty of rest.
- It takes from 48-72 hours for symptoms to show up after a person has come in contact with the virus.
- There’s no way to know how long the outbreak will last, but we expect this virus to be around for quite some time.
- There is no evidence that you can get swine flu from eating pork.
- If you start to have symptoms of the flu, call your healthcare provider or your local public health clinic for guidance.