Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The Converse University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is a federally mandated entity that receives its authority from the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and the Health Research Extension Act (Public Health Service Act). At Converse IACUC is charged to ensure that all aspects of the use and care of laboratory animals are in compliance with national policies.

Converse IACUC Members

Report inappropriate use, inhumane treatment or inadequate care of animals to any of the following:

Institutional Official: Dr. Will Case

IACUC Chairperson: Dr. Rich Keen

IACUC Member: Dr. Mark Bohler

IACUC Member: Kristin Lacey

IACUC Member Not Affiliated with Converse: Dr. David Pittman

Consulting Veterinarian: Dr. Kevin Elliott

*Anonymity of the reporting individual will be strictly protected.

Forms for Researchers

All research, teaching, and outreach activities involving vertebrate animals at Converse University must receive approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before initiation of the activity. Contact Dr. Rich Keen if you need assistance.

Policies for Use of Laboratory Animals in Research & Teaching

Resources on the Use of Laboratory Animals