Converse Students Perform on an East Coast Tour
The 2004 Petrie School tour will feature some of our best chamber music groups including the Converse Chamber Singers, Pine Street Quartet, Converse Brass Ensemble, the Converse Wind Quartet, and the ATM Trio. These students will be accompanied by Susan Lyle, Paul Davis, and Dean Hopkins. We will travel via coach and stay in hotels and homes along the way. The expense of the trip is supported by a gift from the Thomson Foundation, E.T. McLean, Friends of the PSOM and the balance of the Stone gift from last year. All housing and travel expenses will be paid for the students. Some of the meal costs will be covered. 27 students 3 faculty and one daughter
Monday, May 31
5:00 AM Depart for D. C. from the Blackman Music Building
Snacks on bus, brunch en route
Lunch at the Air and Space Museum Food Court
Free time on the Mall
Housing at the Sheraton Columbia
10207 Wincopin Circle
Columbia, MD 21044
410 730 3900
Tuesday, June 1
Breakfast at Hotel
Tour of Capitol Building (Meet at Congressman DeMint’s office at 9:15)
Perform in the rotunda of the Russell Senate Building at 11:00
Lunch en route
2:35-3:20 Performance for the Baltimore School for the Arts
Host, Dr. Chris Ford, Director of the Baltimore School for the Arts
Afternoon, early evening and dinner in Baltimore
Peabody Pre-College (time TBA)
Housing in Sheraton Columbia (same location as Monday evening)
Wednesday, June 2
Breakfast at Hotel
Lunch en route
Possible concert at Philadelphia High School for Girls (confirmation of time pending –
they are also considering a Thursday morning time)
Time at Society Hill, Independence Hall, Kimmel Center, The Bourse …
Dinner in Philadelphia
Wingate Inn – Mount Laurel/Cherry Hill
1000 Laurel Oak Rd., Voorhees, NJ 08043
856 627 1000
Thursday, June 3
Breakfast at Hotel
Girard Academic Music Program
9:00 for music students (choral and instrumental)
Will be in small building because the hall is not air-conditioned!
Lunch en route
Evening in NY – shows, Letterman…. dinner
Red Roof Inn Manhattan
6 West 32nd St.,
212 643 7100
Friday, June 4
Meals on your own
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, NY – 1:30 – 2:30
Friday evening in NY – shows … dinner … on your own
Saturday, June 5
Morning in NY, travel back to Richmond, VA arrive at church in the late
Afternoon. Alumnae will meet students and faculty at the fellowship hall at 5:00 then return them to the church Sunday morning by 9:00AM.
Sunday, June 6
Students are featured throughout the morning service.
First Presbyterian Church
4602 Cary Street Road
Richmond, VA 23622
804 358 2383
Immediately after the services, we will board the coach and head for Spartanburg.