Converse Celebrates High-Impact Experiential Learning at 2023 RISE Symposium
Converse held its second annual RISE Symposium during the week of April 10, 2023.
Open to all undergraduate, graduate and Converse II students, the RISE symposium empowers students to share their ideas, discoveries and artistic work with our campus and the local community. The symposium is a week-long opportunity for the Converse community to celebrate its students’ creative and scholarly achievements as well as the outstanding mentorship of our faculty.
Presentations spanned all areas of study at Converse, including the visual and performing arts, humanities-based disciplines, education, natural and mathematical sciences, and behavioral and social sciences. These diverse experiences prepare Converse students to become transformational leaders for demanding professional and academic careers.
Participation has more than doubled since last year’s inaugural symposium. The 2023 RISE Symposium showcased 101 Converse students, presenting 84 unique projects and performances, including research projects, internship reflections, musical performances, art exhibits, original music composition, and a photo contest.
Student accomplishments were celebrated with a reception and an awards ceremony on Friday, April 14, 2023.
RISE Symposium participants have received awards in 16 different categories. Dr. Ertürk, Associate Provost for Research and Engagement, said, “Every student who presented at the Symposium accomplished something truly extraordinary; these student participants will undoubtedly inspire and serve as role models for the younger generation.”
Research posters were displayed on the first and second floors of Phifer Science Hall, internship posters were in Montgomery Student Center, and the visual arts and original music were on exhibit in the Carmichael Gallery. Displays were up for the Converse community to enjoy for two weeks.
View the 2023 RISE program, showcasing the research abstracts, internship reflections, program notes, and artist statements of Converse’s doctoral candidates and undergraduate students.
Congratulations to the 2023 RISE Award Winners
- Best Internship Poster Award in Education Category: Priscilla Griggs ‘23 (Converse II); Internship Mentor: Cathy Gowan; Faculty Advisor: Dr. Reed Chewning
- Best Internship Poster Award in Government and Non-Profit Category: Yarelis Cardona ’23; Internship Mentor: Cathy Gowan; Faculty Advisor: Prof. John Jeter
- Best Internship Poster Award in Industry Category: Katie Roberts ‘23; Internship Mentor: Cathy Gowan; Faculty Advisor: Dr. Amy Cox
- Best Research Poster Award in History and Politics: Delaney Coldren ‘23 (Nisbet Honors); Advisor: Dr. Mirko Hall
- Best Internship Poster Award in Science and Mathematics: Sydney Wilson ‘23; Advisor: Dr. Amanda Mangum
- Best Internship Poster Award in-Social and Cultural Research: Leonor Fleming ‘23 (Nisbet Honors; Converse II); Advisor: Dr. Meirav Goldhour
- Excellence in Photography Award: Samuel Patrick Treharne ‘25
- Excellence in Performing Arts & Production Award: Emma Baum ’23; Advisor: Professor Meg Hanna Tominaga
- Best Musical Performance Award: Rita Dunn ‘24; Advisor: Professor John Wickey
- Best Original Composition in Music Award: Sean Giovannetti ‘24; Advisor: Dr. Scott Robbins
- First Generation College Student Original Art Award—First Place: Donald Medley ‘24
- First Generation College Student Original Art Award—Honorable Mention: Adailya Wilkins ‘24
- Minority Composer Award: Jordan Owen ‘23
- Model Programs Outstanding Research Award: Hayley Gordon ‘23 & Keira van Zyl ‘25 (Nisbet Honors)
- Joe P. Dunn Excellence in Research Award: Delaney Coldren ‘23 (Nisbet Honors)
- Student’s Choice Award: Jetta Turner ‘23
Join us next year for the 2024 RISE Symposium; contact our Associate Provost of Research and Engagement and Professor of Biology, Neval Ertürk, with any questions about RISE at Converse.
Converse is grateful to the 2023 RISE Sponsors
- Atlantic Institute
- Nisbet Honors Program
- Converse College for Women