Basics of Musical Research
- Dictionaries & Encyclopedias will provide you with basic information about your topic. Specialized music reference books in the Mickel Library include:
- Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (6 vols. – 2001), Index Table (Biographies)
- The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music & Musicians (1999) (Terms & People)
- The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (29 vols.- 2001), Index Table & Online (Articles about virtually all things musical!)
- The New Harvard Dictionary of Music (1986) Index Table (Terms)
The Online Catalog will help you locate books, scores, recordings, and journal titles. You can search the online catalog by Author, Title, Author and Title, Subject, Keywords, Dewey Decimal Call Number, and Library of Congress Call Number.
- Periodical Indexes will help you locate articles in popular and scholarly journals.
- International Index to Music Periodicals Online This resource includes citations with each article and many articles are available in full-text.
- JSTOR Music Collection Online Contains complete back runs of 79 dedicated to scholarly research and theory in the field of music.
- The Music Index: The Key to Current Music Periodical Literature Index Table & Online, citations only
- RILM Abstracts Index Table & Online In addition to journals, RILM also indexes selected dissertations, Festschriften, and congress reports.
- Access our online periodical indexes here.
- We have a large number of music journals located in the Mickel Library, either in the regular print format, microfilm or microfiche, or online. Any articles, books, or scores that cannot be found here can be obtained using Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Many recordings are available through ILL as well.
- Naxos Music Library – This is a digital music library which is available online through the Mickel Library website.
All books in Mickel Library are cataloged in, and shelved according to, the Dewey Decimal Classification system. If you wish to browse through the music book collection, the following table will be useful.
The Dewey 780’s (Music) :- 780 Music (Generalities/ Research) ex. 780.924 = Biographies
- 781 Music Theory (Harmony/ Melody/ Composition)
- 782 Dramatic Music (Secular) (Opera/ Theater music/ Ballet)
- 783 Sacred Music (Oratorios/ Choirs/ Hymns)
- 784 Voice and Vocal Music (Folk Songs/ The Voice)
- 785 Instrumental Ensembles & Their Music (Symphonies/ Orchestras/Concertos/ Chamber Music)
- 786 Keyboard Instruments & Their Music (Harpsichord/ Piano/ Organ)
- 787 String Instruments & Their Music (Bowed, ex. Violin/Plectral, ex. Harp)
- 788 Wind Instruments & Their Music (Brass/ Woodwind)
- 789 Percussion, Mechanical, Electrical Instruments (Drum/ Cymbals/ Electric Guitar/Music Recording)
Mickel Library
Supporting Converse scholars with access to quality information resources.
Contact Us
Mon – Thur: 8 AM – 11 PM
Fri: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sat: 12 – 5 PM
Sun: 1 – 11 PM
Sat & Sun, Mar 22 & 23: Closed
Mon – Thurs, Mar 24 – 27: 8:30 AM – 5 PM
Fri & Sat, Mar 28 & 29: Closed
Sun, Mar 30: 6 – 11 PM
(Regular spring term hours resume on Monday, March 31.)
Library hours vary during holidays, term breaks, summer sessions, and campus-wide events. All irregular schedules will be announced.