Education eResources
“Articles, Books, and More”
Use the library’s Discovery Service to retrieve BILLIONS of journal articles, books, book chapters, entries in reference resources (etc.) from thousands of individual databases. Type in your search terms and then select “Articles, Books, and More” from the drop-down menu.
Reference Resources
Oxford Reference – made up of over 300 individual reference works, several of which focus on education, including A Dictionary of Education and Oxford Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature.
Credo Reference – over 1k reference works in all subject areas
Britannica Academic – a general encyclopedia intended for college students
Gale in Context: Biography – information about notable people, both contemporary and historical, from a wide range of sources, such as biographical dictionaries, magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.
StudySC – supports South Carolina-specific curriculum standards
Preparation for Standardized Tests
Mometrix eLibrary – test preparation materials for over 1,800 different exams, including certification exams for teachers, nursing and medical professionals, counselors and social workers, as well as placement exams for graduate and professional schools; includes study guides, flash cards and practice questions
LearningExpress Library – guides to professional exams such as Praxis as well as to entrance exams for graduate and professional programs
Converse – to find books, both print and electronic, in Converse’s Mickel Library, go to our Discovery Service, type your terms in the search box, and select “Converse Catalog.”
PASCAL Delivers – to find books, both print and electronic, in South Carolina’s college/university libraries, go to our Discovery Service, type your terms in the search box, and select “PASCAL Delivers.” You can borrow these books by signing in and following the instructions to “Request via PASCAL Delivers.”
WorldCat – records for millions of books in thousands of libraries; most of these are “borrow-able” through our Interlibrary Loan Service
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global – 2.5 million full-text dissertations/theses (1997 – ), as well as 5 million citations to dissertations/theses from thousands of universities around the world
OpenDissertations – citations to dissertations/theses from the early 20th century to the present; occasionally provides a link to the complete dissertation/thesis
Periodical Article Databases
ERIC [Educational Resources Information Center] – probably the most comprehensive database in education; covers thousands of periodicals and other resources focusing on the field of education, but compared to other education databases, does NOT provide a high percentage of full-text journal articles.
Professional Development Collection – complete articles from over 500 journals in education
Education Full Text – indexes almost 800 journals in education and provides full-text articles from over 350 of these journals
Teacher Reference Center – abstracts, but not the full text, of articles from nearly 300 journals for teachers and school administrators
Academic Search Complete – one of the world’s largest databases of academic journals and magazines on all subjects; indexes over 12k titles and provides complete articles from over 8k of these periodical titles
Readers’ Guide Full Text Mega – indexes and often provides complete articles from hundreds of popular magazines
Individual Journals
Review of Educational Research (1999 – )
Review of Research in Education (1999 – )
Resources for K-12 Students
DISCUS, South Carolina’s virtual library provides dozens of databases designed for K-12 students: encyclopedias, magazines, ebooks, and various kinds of unique resources. (If you are prompted for login credentials, please use the Ask a Librarian service to request them.)
Periodicals Available at Converse
Periodicals by Title – Key in some or all of a periodical’s title (NOT the title of the article itself) to retrieve a listing of periodicals the library owns in either electronic or print/physical format.
Interlibrary Loan
To request books held by South Carolina college/university libraries, go to our Discovery Service, key in your terms and select “PASCAL Delivers,” click on the book you would like to borrow, sign in, and click on “Request via PASCAL Delivers.”
To request articles and other non-book materials, as well as books NOT held by South Carolina college/university libraries, go to Interlibrary Loan and select the correct form.
Thomas B. Fordham Institute: Advancing Educational Excellence
Mickel Library
Supporting Converse scholars with access to quality information resources.
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Fri: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sat: 12 – 5 PM
Sun: 1 – 11 PM
Sat & Sun, Mar 22 & 23: Closed
Mon – Thurs, Mar 24 – 27: 8:30 AM – 5 PM
Fri & Sat, Mar 28 & 29: Closed
Sun, Mar 30: 6 – 11 PM
(Regular spring term hours resume on Monday, March 31.)
Library hours vary during holidays, term breaks, summer sessions, and campus-wide events. All irregular schedules will be announced.