Musical Theatre eResources
“Articles, Books, and More”
Use the library’s Discovery Service to retrieve BILLIONS of journal articles, books, book chapters, entries in reference resources (etc.) from thousands of individual databases. Type in your search terms and then select “Articles, Books, and More” from the drop-down menu.
Streaming Theatrical Productions
Digital Theatre+ – an ever-growing collection of theatrical productions, e-learning resources, written study guides and lesson plans.
References Resources
Subject – Specific
Gale Literature – A database covering mostly (but not exclusively) English-language literature and comprising all sorts of resources, including reference works, academic journals, book reviewing magazines, and even full-length monographs)
Bloom’s Literature – Information on literature primarily from high school textbooks and academic books
Musical Theatre Songs – Searchable database with over 20 parameters (such as voice type, range, character age) for identifying songs from musical theatre
Oxford Music Online – Home of Grove Music Online, the world’s premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship
Play Index – References to plays published in anthologies and collections
Naxos Music Library – Digital Music Library housing over 2.4 million tracks of mostly classical genres, but also including operetta, some musical theatre recordings, and information about musical theatre composers and their works
Credo – Includes almost 900 reference resources, such as subject-specific encyclopedias, in all subjects.
Oxford Reference – Brief entries from 300+ reference works in all subject areas.
Gale in Context: Biography – information about notable people, both contemporary and historical, from a wide range of sources, such as biographical dictionaries, magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.
Britannica Academic Edition – A general encyclopedia aimed at college students
Converse’s Mickel Library Discovery Service – Searches print and electronic books held by the Converse College Mickel Library, as well as South Carolina academic libraries, via the “PASCAL Delivers” option (You can borrow PASCAL books by signing in and following the instructions to “Request via PASCAL Delivers.”)
WorldCat – Includes records for millions of books in thousands of libraries; most of these are “borrow-able” through our Interlibrary Loan Service.
Periodical Article Databases
Subject – Specific
MLA International Bibliography
Music & Performing Arts collection – Full-text of approximately 300 American and international journals in these two fields; citations and abstracts for articles in hundreds of additional journals
Theatre Topics – A journal from Johns Hopkins University Press’s Project Music database)
Academic Search Complete – Covers over 12k magazines and academic journals in all disciplines; more than 8k of these titles include the complete text of the articles
JSTOR – Contains complete back runs (non-current) of 103 journals dedicated to scholarly research and theory in the field of music and the performing arts, also includes non-current academic journals in all subjects.
Humanities Full Text – Provides full-text articles from 300-ish core journals in history, religion, philosophy, literature, theatre, and film; provides citations to articles in another 400-ish journals
Newspaper Source Plus – Includes more than 800 full-text American and international newspapers
Readers’ Guide Full-Text Mega – Indexes over 450 popular magazines and provides full-text articles from 250 of these titles
Individual Journals
Journal of Dance Education (2001 – )
Dance Education in Practice (2015 -)
Periodicals Available at Converse
Periodical Search – Key in some or all of a journal’s title (NOT the article title itself) to determine if the title is owned in print or electronic format.
*Keep in mind that an “Everything” search in the Discovery Service will bring up journal articles available in full text. There are limiting filters to narrow searches, as well as an “Expand My Results” button, which includes articles not accessible online in full text. Articles that are not available in full text online, and are not available in print in the Mickel Library, are obtainable through Interlibrary Loan. The “Everything” search utilizes some different databases from the article databases listed above. Therefore, students should conduct their research using “Everything” in the Discovery Service, as well as specific periodical article databases, in order to gather the most comprehensive list of results.
PASCAL Delivers
Discovery Service – Enter a search term or phrase, then choose “PASCAL Delivers” in the drop-down menu to search for books or music scores in other South Carolina academic libraries. Sign in, and click on “Request via PASCAL Delivers” to order the item.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan – Sign in, choose the appropriate form, and complete it to place an order for out-of-state books, journal articles, scores, etc
Mickel Library
Supporting Converse scholars with access to quality information resources.
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